Peace and Grace. We would like to thank all parents for their cooperation during the last year for Hymns and Coptic teaching classes, and we would like to wish you another successful year ahead for 2019-2020.

Hymns and/or Coptic language teaching classes are from Nursery to CEGEP. Maximum capacity per class will be 25. Please read carefully




Our Facebook Group here:

 Hymns and Coptic Teaching Service – STGJ



- Behave as Christians, taking our Lord Jesus Christ as our role model.
- Any unchristian behavior or attitude (e.g. fighting, foul language, etc…) is not allowed.
- Show respect to everyone specially your servants and leaders.
- No food or beverages are allowed, and all garbage must be placed in bins.
- No electronic or similar devices are allowed for the full duration of the service.
- No loud noises allowed after service especially in the area around the classes.

Before departure all rooms and surrounding premises should be clean.


Disciplinary measures will be put in place to ensure a spiritual healthy learning environment for children. Steps taken as corrective measures:

The Hymns and Coptic service will use the following 6 actions to reinforce positive behavior.

Level 1: The class servant does a verbal warning and discussion with the child.
Level 2: Parents will be contacted by the class servant for a visit.
Level 3: Parents will be invited to participate with the child the following lesson.
Level 4: The First written notice to the parents, the child will be required not to participate for 1 lesson.
Level 5: The Second written notice to the parents, the child will be required not to participate for 3 lessons.
Level 6: The Third written notice to the parents, the child registration will be cancelled for the rest of the year.

Thank you and God bless