Sayings of Fr. Bishoy Kamel



+ The sacrament of Baptism is the mystery of forming a big family, that is born from above and has its hopes and directions fixed, spiritually.

+ Baptism is the water that flowed from the side of Jesus on the cross. The water of Baptism gained its power of purification from the water of Your Divine Side.

+ Jesus Christ freed us from the slavery of Satan by the cross, so we can be His children. This occurs to us by the power of the cross through the Baptism and the renounciation of the devil.

+ The renounciation of the devil, the leader of this world, implies that we have another home in heaven, and our life on earth is sojournment.

+ Our pleasure is not of this foreing world, but in heaven.

+ We live on earth but we are citizens of heaven, so we behave in a way that satisfies our Heavenly Father, not the world.

+ Any Christian that forgets this truth, the truth of being sojourners, will be enticed by worldly matters and hindered in his path, thus, going astray.

The Church


+ It is the source of everlasting love for everyone: love for the congregation, love for the sinners, love for the poor, and love for those who persecute it.

+ The Church is always in need for martyrs of love and martyrs that preserve its unity.



+ Death is frightening and extremely terrifying, but the more our lives are amalgamated with the Lamb's Blood, the more our departing would be joyous and surrounded with angels.

+ The fear of death will accompany the person until he puts the ego to death, and only then will he experience the life of resurrection.

+ Tribulations in Christianity are not resolved when they end, but only when the Lord surmounts them with us, carries the cross, and always remains with us.



+ Faith is the power that moves our ship through the raging sea of this world.

The Holy Bible


+ Neglecting the Holy Bible is very dangerous to our understanding of the Church Sacraments, its prayers and worships.

Humility and Ego


+ The ego is the origin of every calamity in the Church.

+ Humility = a fixed branch on the Body of Christ. (John 15:1,2)

+ Sacrificing the self is abiding in Christ. It is the disappearance of the ego that allows the branch to live in the vine and feel its unity with the rest of its members. This is the only path that leads to humility.

+ Awareness of my ego and pride scares me, because it means that I am separated from the Body of Christ. It scares me because it means that the branch was cut off the vine, and it is liable to dry and become isolated from the Head, and that is why it feels that it is a separate entity.

+ The ego equals a dried branch that is separated from the head.

Jesus is the Heart of the World


+ Jesus is the beating heart of the world, but through its foolishness, the world pierced His heart. Thus, it condemned itself to death.



+ There is no love for Christ without preaching.

+ God manifests Himself to those who seek Him with love.

+ Anything that man owns decreases if it is divided and distributed to others, except love, which increases the more it is given to others.

+ Hatred is death and love is life. "We have passed from death to life, because we love the brethern." (I John 3:14)



+ Coptic singing is a conversation with the name of salvation (Jesus Christ's name) and it is not just an ordinary kind of singing.

+ The Coptic fathers emphasized the repetition of the name of Jesus for the salvation of man to the extent that they not only made it the center of their worship, but they reached the point of 'breathing' it, "For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

+ Truly, hymns are delightful, enjoyable means of worship and spiritual exaltation similar to that of the angels.

+ The praise of the three young men combines in one scene its presence in this painful, temporary world with its presence in the blissful eternity. While it is in the fire of the world, it is also in the presence of God and heavenly joy.

Repentance and Confession


+ Repentance is not the work of man, as prophet Jeremiah said, "Make me repent my Lord and I shall repent."

+ The secret of penitence is the constant work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Bride in order to wash her (with the Blood), sanctify and justify here in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God (1 Cor. 6:11).

+ When the church calls for penitence, she sweeps her house searching for the last penny and the Holy Spirit casts His rays of light on the saved souls so that they repent (and be found).

+ The Spirit cannot give the fruit of righteousness except to the penitent souls.

+ Penitence is the most important sign of love.

+ The more a penitent realizes he has grieved the Lord who loves him and that Jesus' Cross was mainly raised to wash his sins and redeem his soul, the more true and rightful his penitence is.

+ There is an insincere penitence which deceives the soul, and a geniune one which is the work of the Holy Spirit.

+ If repentance is neglected for an instant, one can lose the power of the Resurrection as he lives with the weakness of tepidity and the potential of his fall.

+ Penitence does not stop at regretting sin, but it takes another step forward which is to start a new life with God!

+ Repentance ranges from regretting obvious sins like murder, adultery, abuse, swearing, and stealing to the realization that not loving (loving your brother as yourself) is a murder. "Whoever hates his brother is a murderer."(1 John 3:15) and that an evil look is adultery and the love of praise is stealing God's glory.

+ The sacrament of penitence is perpetually bonded with Resurrection, without seperation for an instant.

+ Confession is not just quoting sins, but repentance and mourning: Jesus said, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." (Matthew 5:4)

+ Continuous confession purifies the soul and leads it to new life, especially when it becomes worthy of receiving the Lord's Body and Blood.

The Sacraments


+ The Church Sacraments are the living gospel.

+ The Sacraments are the living gospel by which the Church lived for thirty years. (from 30-60 A.D.)



+ How lovely, sweet, and powerful is silence if we are carrying the cross with Jesus. How tough, painful and unjust is silence if the shadow of the cross disappears from our lives.

+ The servant serves, works, speaks and builds until he sees a sign to be silent. Then, he is silent to work internally with love -- through the hidden and personal service -- and praying away from others. He is silent, but he works without opening his mouth.



+ While the children of God sojourn on earth their eyes are directed toward heaven, until they completely depart from the flesh and their time of sojournment on earth comes to an end.



+ Vigilance is a spiritual pleasure, that is impossibe to get used to except through the praises of the Church.

+ Vigilance is practicing the presence with God.

+ Vigilance is preparing for a continuous meeting with the Heavenly Groom.

+ In the beginning, vigilance is a difficult practice, but through the love of Christ and His grace, it turns into a desirable and enjoyable habit that man searches for with diligence.

+ Vigilance is converted to a heavenly night that is spent around the subject of Divine Incarnation.

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow...


Do not worry about tomorrow, you are free so why worry?

Does this contradict planning for the future? No.


Worry about materialistic matters of the future, salary, income, the expenses for the children, search for outside work, and/or emigration; all these things are worry about tomorrow, and tomorrow is in the hands of God. Note that emigration or the search for outside work is not always the result of fear, but I mean fear which result from worry.

Great anxiety to get high marks for a Certificate, is one kind of worry.


But making effort towards studying while submitting and giving thanks to God is a kind of freedom in Christ.

If one plans for himself, he should accept responsibility for the difficulties of the trip and on the other hand if he leaves the planning to God, God will dispose every stage of the trip.

Children of God do not pay much attention to time, they always live in submissiveness to God. No matter how long they wait, the sun is there behind the cloud.

As soon as one surrenders his life (dies) he starts a new life where the Lord is guiding the rudder of his boat, he will not be afraid of evil tidings (Psalm 112:7).

My Lord Jesus, I want my will to melt in Yours and I believe that all things work together for good (Romans 8:28).

Let me strongly believe that the hairs of my head are counted in front of You, give me to submit to Your will and not to mine.

 من أقوال أبونا بيشوي كامل

+ ربى يسوع أنت الذي تعطى الماء الحي الذي يشرب منه لا يعطش إلى الأبد، ثم بعد ذلك تعطش إلىّ.. سبحانك ربى.!!!!!. يا لمحبتك لي أنا الساقط!!!!!!!!

+ ليس هناك قوة في الوجود تربط يسوع إلا خطيتي... لأنه صنع هذا محبة لي. إذا لم تكن هذه الرباطات إلا رباطات خطيتي

+ يا أبتاه.. الآن أعطني أن أقرأ في كل حركة طول يومي، ما هي مشيئتك، و أتممها بأسرع ما يكون، و بفرح عظيم. عندئذ سأرى من حيث لا أدري إني في حضن أبي ...

 +يا أبتاه.. أعطني أن أكون سريع الاستجابة لإلهامات روحك القدوس فيّ عن طريق الصلاة....

+ إن حياتي ستظل بلا معنى و لا طعم و لا فائدة إن لم تعلن مشيئتك فيّ لأتممها

+ إن أخطر لحظة فى حياتى هى التى أنسى فيها التفكير في المسيح ... انها لحظة الانحلال و الضعف، و التعرض للسقوط فى أبسط خطية

+ ما أقواك أيتها التوبة و ما أروعك، انك أروع أيقونة للقيامة

+ ربنا يسوع غلب العالم لأنه لم يكن للعالم شئ فيه. إذا كان للعدو جواسيس داخل بلدي كيف أستطيع مواجهته؟

+ نحن نحمل قوة لا نهائية أمام عالم مادي مغلوب رغم مظهره القوي، هذا هو إيماننا

+ يارب.. أنت ترشدنا، و لكننا نتركك و نبحث عن إرشاد العالم و تعزيته، ثم نفشل فنجدك كما كنت. عندئذ نحس بخطئنا نحوك

+ أنت يا الهى أب... كلك حبك للبشرية و سكبت روح حبك فىّ ، و هذا هو الطريق الوحيد لمعرفتك و الحياة معك

+ الخادم هو إنسان غسل يسوع قدميه القذرتين، و يغسلها كل يوم... من أجل ذلك هو يجول مع يسوع من كل قلبه ليغسل أقذار كل الناس

+ ربي.. أعطني أن أبكي على خطية أخي مثلما أبكي على خطيتي لأن كلاهما جرحاك يا حبيبي يسوع ......

+ إن النفس الساقطة عندما تقوم تشع منها قوة هائلة من قوة قيامة الرب يسوع

+ يا نفسي اهتمي بداخلك لتعجبي يسوع، العريس السماوي لا يهمه نوع الموضة بل يهمه الجمال الداخلي للنفس